Ratio Oil Exploration LTD (Ratio) engaged Marine Ventures International, Inc. (MVI) to develop two high-level policy documents that meet the international environmental, health, and safety standards required of oil and gas operators throughout the world.  The documents supported Ratio’s efforts to be formally recognized by the Israeli government as a legitimate offshore oil and gas operator. The policy statements were sufficiently broad to be applicable to all phases of Ratio’s operations (e.g., seismic, exploration, development, and production) and provided the framework for Ratio to develop specific standards and procedures later.

Oil and gas projects can have far-reaching environmental, social, and economic impacts that occur during the development and operation phases of projects.  The Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy Document outlined corporate policy as related to environmental protection in the areas where Ratio operates.  This document consisted of high-level statements that expressed Ratio’s commitment to performing their operations in a safe and environmentally protective manner and was prepared to meet the standards of an Environmental Policy under ISO 14001 standards.  It outlined Ratio’s commitment to conducting its projects in such a way as to “do no harm” to people and the environment, to enhance the sustainability of its operations and the markets in which the company works, and to achieve positive development outcomes. The following elements of this policy were based upon criteria of the International Organization for Standardization and Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation:

  • Environmental and Social Performance Overview
  • Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
  • Labor and Working Conditions
  • Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
  • Community Health, Safety, and Security
  • Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Cultural Heritage

Regulations are being adopted by countries throughout the world requiring oil and gas companies to implement health and safety standards that ensure companies can operate effectively and safely in all phases of their operations.  Companies must create and implement policies and procedures to ensure that their operations are conducted in a safe manner. Management commitment to making health and safety a top priority and the communication of these policies and procedures throughout the workforce are important elements in demonstrating and implementing health and safety as a core organizational value. The Health and Safety Policy Document was prepared to address Ratio’s need to define health and safety policy commitments that form the basis for its operations across all project phases and in all areas of the world where the company has a presence or involvement. These policy statements were based on the health and safety elements laid out in the European Union’s Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case, etc.) Regulations 2015, and the Safety and Environmental Management Systems regulations issued by the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.  Topics addressed in the Health and Safety document included

  • Leadership Commitment to Safety Values and Actions
  • Accountability and Responsibility
  • Safety Culture
  • Operations will be considered during reviews of proposed activities
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Competency
  • Hazard Identification and Risk Management
  • Work Processes
  • Auditing
  • Communications

The MVI Subject Matter Expert division provides senior, experienced expertise to solve marine HSE issues facing our oil and gas clients. We specialize in timely, high-quality, practical solutions to problems that affect our clients' ability to conduct business globally. Our Senior Consultants have the extensive technical expertise and in-depth regulatory knowledge experience to assist oil and gas clients in addressing environmental issues and managing ecological risks. Our consultants can provide technical and regulatory support in dealing with U.S. and international regulatory agencies.